Review: Only You

Only You
Only You by Katrina Strauss

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The Romance Review

Derek and Blue have gone through some of the worst experiences together and come out with a stronger bond. It is ironic that when guns and threats of death aren't involved, their relationship starts to fall apart. In this final chapter, Ms. Strauss brings to us Derek and Blue in their not so happily ever after. A relationship takes constant work and which is quite apparent to Blue when things go awry.

Ms. Strauss does a great job in showing how just a couple of miscommunication will cause a fracture in a strong relationship. If both sides are not actively working to keep open lines of communication, it can cause one or both parties to be hurt. For me, this story is really focused on Blue and his growth. Blue is still very immature and selfish. Everything is about him and it's never more apparent when the reader witnesses how he treats Derek and April. He takes them for granted and when both move on, Blue is shocked. He now comprehends how both Derek and April feel when he stepped out on them. This is not to say there is any cheating by Derek. It's close and it's enough to give Blue a reality check and appreciate how good he has it.

The BDSM in this story is much lighter. There is still an undercurrent of D/s with Derek's instructions for Blue. Other than this, it's just kinky fun sex. It makes a reader think all relationships after the honeymoon phase will lessen in passion. This is a sad reality for Derek and Blue when faced with financial difficulties. Derek is one I connect with more because I understand his concerns and stress. In addition, he's the kind of dominant I fantasy about. Too bad he only likes boys.

The conflicts in this story are well written. Most of it is emotional pain which makes a reader hurt for the characters. Readers who love Derek will only fall harder for him in this story. He's truly a wonderful man. He is not without flaw. He does come with past festering wounds which are finally lanced. For him, it's a shift in perspective when he and his mother discuss the large pink elephant in the room. Derek's realization shocks him and finally brings some peace.

Ms. Strauss does this lovingly to each of her cherished characters in this series. It's beautiful how she helps them become something better. She brings out the best in her characters and at the end, a reader will sigh in happiness. Recommended for kink m/m lovers who wonder what happens when the honeymoon is over.

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