Review: Magic Stars

Magic Stars (Kate Daniels, #8.5)Magic Stars by Ilona Andrews

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I couldn't resist. I bought this the day this came out. I'm finally writing the review now. I sucked this book down so fast. I read it several times and enjoyed it each time. Here are a couple of parts which just made me laugh.

“I’ve seen the Beast Lord,” the cat said. “He’s black, his mate is Asian, and they don’t have kids.”

“Not that Beast Lord, you moron,” the wolf said. “The first one. The ex-Beast Lord.”

“Wait,” the jackal said.

“There is another Beast Lord?”

They were idiots. He was about to fight two idiots. “You can’t challenge him,” the wolf said. kindle loc. 157-161

“Tooooooday.” Julie drew the word out.

“I’ll fucking kill you!” the cat declared. “I’ll rip your throat out and feed it to you.”

Yes, he’d never heard that one before. Julie sighed again and glanced at him.

“This is taking way too long. That was a declaration of murderous intent. We’re clear. The big one is yours; I’ll take the ginger.” kindle loc. 163-166

The relationship between Derek and Julie is getting better and better. I love this new series. I can't wait to read more about Derek and Julie's budding relationship. These two are like a young Beast Lord and Kate. Except the chip is on Derek's shoulder, not Julie's. The adventure these two go through is a fabulous quest. I like how Julie uses her powers and she is learning how Roland thinks. She is pretty smart.

This is a tightly written short story in the wonderful world of Kate Daniels. Can't wait for the next book in this series. This was a fabulous surprise for this Christmas holidays.

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