Review: Solar D.A.R.E

Solar D.A.R.E
Solar D.A.R.E by Tianna Xander

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The Romance Review

A woman who is literally on fire manages to catch her dragon mate.

In SOLAR, the next set of dragon sisters is introduced. These are ones with quite a bit of fire power. Solar is constantly absorbing energy and having difficulty with controlling her powers. No longer under human suppression, she and her four sisters hide in another world. Unfortunately they don't realize they are harming the indigenous population.

More information is revealed about their mother. Interestingly enough, there is another set of males who are interested in these dragon swans. They have powers which are complementary to this set of sisters. After learning more about how this dragon world works, it doesn't bode well for the remaining unmated sisters. It also doesn't look good for the humans who have their mother captive.

It would be interesting to see if there is a change to the formula to this matching. Will the sisters find their perfect match before their father finds them and matches them up to who he wants?

This story moves quickly and culminates in a smoking happily ever after. These little bit size stories are tasty morsels that make a reader want another bite. Recommended for fantasy lovers who love dragons.

View all my reviews


Unknown said…
Ooh, pretty cover ~ Looks neat, I might pick up a copy. :D
Dangerously addictive - this series!

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